Pipeline overview

 6 Million
Patients Worldwide

1 Million
Patients in the U.S.

Global Deaths/Yr

No Fundamental Treatments

Current Option: L-DOPA

(Temporary Symptom Alleviation)

Major Symptoms

Masked Face

Current Approaches

For Parkinson’s disease, the most commonly prescribed drugs are dopamine precursors.

  • Mode of action: Regulation of dopamine levels in the brain.

  • Major Drugs: Levodopa (L-DOPA) or dopamine agonists used with adjustments (for side effect reduction and complication management)

  • Unmet Needs: Fundamentally treat or delay the disease progress without serious side effects.

Photo: (Figure: I. Kang & J. M. Yoo et al., (2021) Nano Lett. 21, 2239-2346)

Market Size

  • 2016: $3,041 million (estimated)

  • 2018: $3,425 million (estimated)

  • 2025: $6,679 million (estimated)

Biographene’s Approach to Parkinson’s Treatment

Mechanism of action: Dopamine concentration regulation.

The pathogenesis of Parkinson’s is multifactorial. However, we understand a-synucleinopathy – provoked by abnormal fibrillation (aggregation in fiber form) of a neuroprotein called a-synuclein is directly correlated to the loss of dopaminergic neurons.

At BioGraphene, we aim to rewrite the story of Parkinson’s disease by using graphene-based therapies to induce disaggregation of a-synuclein while also preventing further fibrillation from taking place.

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